Someone has finally caught on to the board game potential of prison with the “Don’t Drop the Soap” game. The objective, as stated on the product page, is to ”Fight your way through 6 different exciting locations in hopes of being granted parole. Escape prison riots in The Yard, slip glass into a mob boss’ lasagna in the Cafeteria, steal painkillers from the nurse’s desk in the Infirmary, avoid being cornered by the Aryans in the Shower Room, fight off Latin Kings in Gang War, and try not to smoke your entire stash in The Hole.” Did I mention that you also get 5 collectible criminal tokens including a Gat and a bag of coke? Now that is some wholesome family entertainment.
http://www.gilliusinc.com/dropsoap.htmlWhen you want a rock star party with James Bond sophistication, look no further than these Sommelier Wine Glasses. Now your tuxedo clad guests can play drinking games and watch strippers while drinking beer out of stemware instead of paper, a tough transition when you’re used to the worst.
http://www.gnr8.biz/product_info.php?products_id=797In a display of art that would have gotten you condemned as a witch 400 years ago, this “2D to 3D” coat tree allows you to hang your wearables on a wall graphic adorned with hidden hardware to create the magic. Perfect for a rat’s nest that can’t hold another piece of furniture, and those with a chronic fear of the third dimension. The only drawback: at $109 you’re probably better off whipping out a Sharpie and going to town on one of your walls.
http://www.gnr8.biz/product_info.php?products_id=963$9,000 will buy you this 23″ x 33″ salmon colored epoxy resin and coated cast plaster octopus themed chandelier which although artistically captivating, will surely suck the beauty out of any room in your house.

Nothing like a couple of your appendages to make a lamp that will light your hallway. The right hand holds the bulb and the left hand shades the glare of that naked bulb. Maybe they will come up with a fixture made of feet just to even things out.

For coffee shops and addicts who can’t start the day without a cup of joe in their system, we offer a little bit of Juan Valdez interior decorating via Deutschland with these inverted coffee cup lights. Since I know how to work an internet translator, I was able to determine that their dimensions are 150×65mm, and they are made of porcelain. Check out my use of an online currency converter below…
Canned meat seems to be one of those things that you either love or totally despise. These Bubble Gum Cocktail Wienies make you look like you are eating canned meat while slyly chewing gum. I hope they have a little bit of a vinegar taste to truly give you the experience.