This makes sense, this means we will never see it. See if we make it simple some get's cut out of the pie and everyone is fighting for there slice. So even if they tried it would wind up in litigation fighting the big boys and thus I cannot have one. Unless.....the big boys realize this is the direction to move in (and it is) and get behind it.
Official Write-up: Returning hero Andrew Seunghyun Kim - whose been getting designs published with Yanko since 2007, presents this all-in-one screen. It’s the “Espresso” and it’s got one cable. It’s your TV, your multimedia collection, and your home internet display. Built-in DVD player, speakers, and wi-fi. Slots along the right side for plug-n-play add-ons. Available in 2 colors: single-shot or double-shot - for those of you who need that extra jolt. Then- touch screen remote- coffee cup touch charger for the remote.
Touch everything. The remote is reel-similar to what the modern iPod screens look like, along with the fluid covers n’ stuff. The bottom or back-side of the remote has a ridge to resemble the bottom of a coffee cup, which, incidentally, makes it nice to handle. And the coffee cup you see below is the charger for the remote. Just place it on top! Induction!
I encourage all Yanko users to comment on this project here, of course, then explore the rest of Andrew Seunghyun Kim’s designs here on Yanko : Search “Andrew Seunghyun Kim”, then read Kim’s message board post over at Core77 - kindly submitted to us by 울트라 쫄핑크 TaoNova. Thanks for all tips!
Designer: Andrew Seunghyun Kim