The Blue Space is a pedal-powered submarine created by the Saint-Petersburg State Marine Engineering University. The prototype has been around since 2003, but is still looking for investors to turn real. The submarine is meant for two and would require a propulsion capacity of 0.4–0.8 kW, to generate the required speed of 2-3 knots for between two and four hours as compared to the other human-powered submarines that require about 2.5–5 kW to maintain an underwater speed of 2-3 knots, considering it is difficult to generate a propulsion capacity underwater. MIT has made this possible through both its innovative design as well as what they call the “Coanda effect,” which assumes that “if an air or water jet is blown out through a flat slot in tangential direction, this jet adheres to the surface on a comparatively large spacing from the slot. At the same time, rarefaction or thrust on the surface is generated.” Though the human powered submarines date back to history and has been popular with the Navy but, they have seen limited success with private buyers. MIT is hopeful that this prototype will strike with the private buyers and resort owners alike owing to its affordable price tag that will range around $30K -$70K as compared to the million dollar price tag of the automatic submersibles.