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Look Mom I'm 12 again!


Remember Space Quest, Police Quest and Leisure Suit Larry from Sierra On-Line? Well they’re back and they’re in your browser. Over at you can relive them in all their EGA, 16 colour, command line glory. Battle the evil Sariens, save Lytton from the Death Angel or go carousing in the back alleys with Larry (definitely not safe for kids).

The games run in most browsers; Firefox 2, Internet Explorer 6+, Chrome, Safari and Opera, but there are a few bugs, you can’t save your game for one, but you can jump to any point in the game via URLs so you probably won’t get stuck for long. And if you then find yourself getting a hankering for the good old days, you can still purchase most of the Sierra Online games from Amazon.

Without a leg to stand on


Bound to bring an aura of sophistication and rebellion to any room is this “bad table”, which aside from the beautiful sloping woodwork, comes complete with it’s own super strong stream of piss. Now I’m sure many of you would be willing to fork over the $2,920 just to have a table answering nature’s call in your living room, but don’t be surprised when it sets the example for kids and pets. You may end up being accused of favoritism since the table is allowed to freely piss in the rug without retribution while Rover still can’t free a hostage on the linoleum.


Take that Segway; Steampunk Segway

Steampunk Segway (Image courtesy bdring via Instructables)

It’s not actually powered by steam in any way, and according to the creator ‘bdring‘ it can’t really turn very well, but if you’ve been looking for an extremely cheap DIY alternative to the Segway, head on over to Instructables where you’ll find everything you need to build your very own Legway. It’s even eco-friendly since there’s no emissions (unless you count sweat) and the original model pictured above was constructed from mostly found materials.

Now this is what I call getting away for the weekend.

The Blue Space is a pedal-powered submarine created by the Saint-Petersburg State Marine Engineering University. The prototype has been around since 2003, but is still looking for investors to turn real. The submarine is meant for two and would require a propulsion capacity of 0.4–0.8 kW, to generate the required speed of 2-3 knots for between two and four hours as compared to the other human-powered submarines that require about 2.5–5 kW to maintain an underwater speed of 2-3 knots, considering it is difficult to generate a propulsion capacity underwater. MIT has made this possible through both its innovative design as well as what they call the “Coanda effect,” which assumes that “if an air or water jet is blown out through a flat slot in tangential direction, this jet adheres to the surface on a comparatively large spacing from the slot. At the same time, rarefaction or thrust on the surface is generated.” Though the human powered submarines date back to history and has been popular with the Navy but, they have seen limited success with private buyers. MIT is hopeful that this prototype will strike with the private buyers and resort owners alike owing to its affordable price tag that will range around $30K -$70K as compared to the million dollar price tag of the automatic submersibles.

Say What&^#%$#?

I have a dog that would make this toy look good.

Seriously this is one of those things I can see my wife and I on the floor cracking
up for hours. Like the first we realized he would chase a laser pointer like a kid trying to hide the evidence.

Picture 1

Finally my Hologram Room: yes I would pay a good deal of money to have this.

EON Reality’s immersive 3D room.

The cave or iCube, is comprised of three white walls and a floor, all about 10′ x 10′ in size. Onto each surface is projected a high-resolution, stereoscopic image. A viewer stands in the room wearing polarized 3D glasses — like you might use in a 3D movie — with small markers that stick out a bit from the frames.



Maybe it's the inner 7 year old boy in me, but this makes me laugh...a lot.

Oh if only it could be this easy

This makes sense, this means we will never see it. See if we make it simple some get's cut out of the pie and everyone is fighting for there slice. So even if they tried it would wind up in litigation fighting the big boys and thus I cannot have one. Unless.....the big boys realize this is the direction to move in (and it is) and get behind it.

Official Write-up: Returning hero Andrew Seunghyun Kim - whose been getting designs published with Yanko since 2007, presents this all-in-one screen. It’s the “Espresso” and it’s got one cable. It’s your TV, your multimedia collection, and your home internet display. Built-in DVD player, speakers, and wi-fi. Slots along the right side for plug-n-play add-ons. Available in 2 colors: single-shot or double-shot - for those of you who need that extra jolt. Then- touch screen remote- coffee cup touch charger for the remote.

Touch everything. The remote is reel-similar to what the modern iPod screens look like, along with the fluid covers n’ stuff. The bottom or back-side of the remote has a ridge to resemble the bottom of a coffee cup, which, incidentally, makes it nice to handle. And the coffee cup you see below is the charger for the remote. Just place it on top! Induction!

I encourage all Yanko users to comment on this project here, of course, then explore the rest of Andrew Seunghyun Kim’s designs here on Yanko : Search “Andrew Seunghyun Kim”, then read Kim’s message board post over at Core77 - kindly submitted to us by 울트라 쫄핑크 TaoNova. Thanks for all tips!

Designer: Andrew Seunghyun Kim


Random Stuff I saw today

The Don't Drop The Soap Game


Someone has finally caught on to the board game potential of prison with the “Don’t Drop the Soap” game. The objective, as stated on the product page, is to ”Fight your way through 6 different exciting locations in hopes of being granted parole. Escape prison riots in The Yard, slip glass into a mob boss’ lasagna in the Cafeteria, steal painkillers from the nurse’s desk in the Infirmary, avoid being cornered by the Aryans in the Shower Room, fight off Latin Kings in Gang War, and try not to smoke your entire stash in The Hole.” Did I mention that you also get 5 collectible criminal tokens including a Gat and a bag of coke? Now that is some wholesome family entertainment.


When you want a rock star party with James Bond sophistication, look no further than these Sommelier Wine Glasses. Now your tuxedo clad guests can play drinking games and watch strippers while drinking beer out of stemware instead of paper, a tough transition when you’re used to the worst.


In a display of art that would have gotten you condemned as a witch 400 years ago, this “2D to 3D” coat tree allows you to hang your wearables on a wall graphic adorned with hidden hardware to create the magic. Perfect for a rat’s nest that can’t hold another piece of furniture, and those with a chronic fear of the third dimension. The only drawback: at $109 you’re probably better off whipping out a Sharpie and going to town on one of your walls.


$9,000 will buy you this 23″ x 33″ salmon colored epoxy resin and coated cast plaster octopus themed chandelier which although artistically captivating, will surely suck the beauty out of any room in your house.


Nothing like a couple of your appendages to make a lamp that will light your hallway. The right hand holds the bulb and the left hand shades the glare of that naked bulb. Maybe they will come up with a fixture made of feet just to even things out.



For coffee shops and addicts who can’t start the day without a cup of joe in their system, we offer a little bit of Juan Valdez interior decorating via Deutschland with these inverted coffee cup lights. Since I know how to work an internet translator, I was able to determine that their dimensions are 150×65mm, and they are made of porcelain. Check out my use of an online currency converter below…


Canned meat seems to be one of those things that you either love or totally despise. These Bubble Gum Cocktail Wienies make you look like you are eating canned meat while slyly chewing gum. I hope they have a little bit of a vinegar taste to truly give you the experience.


The Pee and Ski?

Japanese coffee company Georgia painted public toilets at several ski resorts to mimic a ski jumper's perspective, wrapping the walls in illustrations of mountains and drawing skis where the feet go, and a giant slope on the front wall. Apparently, the toilet paper holder says:

“Seriously kick-ass intensely sweet for the real coffee super zinging unstoppable Max! Taste-explosion!”

Yep that's right the pee and ski. So if while skying you have ever had the urge to squat on your ski's, pull down you pants and yourself. Well now you can have the virtual experience of doing so without the public lewdness ticket.


The top 10 most useless gadgets, that I would love to use.

Ice Tumblers

1. Icecold

Why put ice in your drink when you can put drink in your ice? Just fill this nifty silicone mold with water, pop it in the freezer for a few hours, and hey presto! You've got a pair of the coolest glasses to be found in the known universe. There may be cooler ones in the unknown universe, but as it's unknown, we don't know, you'll just have to ask Stephen Hawking, though I imagine he has better things to do with his time. Of course you don't have to limit yourself to water, you can get creative will all sorts of liquids, or use food dyes to jazz 'em up and create your very own ice bar.

Multi-Panel Displays

2. Bigger the better
My Take: ok bigger screen are better, dual screens rock but setting everything up can be a pain. But not if it is all one unit. So basically I'm waitting for this or there is also a curved screen that Alienwear is develping, to hit the market. Not so I can buy to but so that I can know that if I had this much money I COULD buy it.

Official Write-up:The all-new Athens Display Series features monster displays ranging in size from 110″ to 200″. The series feature monitors custom-built in an all-aluminum design with specs matching its mind-boggling looks. The UltraSpeed
LCD multi displays feature resolutions of up to a mammoth 19200 x 2400 Pixels and super wide viewing angle. The fully upgradeable panels boasts of 16.7 million color palette and anti-glare finish that will put even hi-fi HDTV’s to spy! The stunning displays with its sleek design, under 2.5″ thin will absolutely take your breath-away!

3. Dude wheres my car?

Pop-up swimming pools are what we have told you about earlier. But, a pop-up garage is even better. So, stow-away your Aston Martin in Bond style in this futuristic pop-up Cardok garage. The garage uses a hydraulic platform which can be hidden under a water feature, flowerbed or even a second car. And, at the touch of an electronic key fob you are all set for a perfect garage escape. The pop-up garage has been a major hit in London, eight of them have already been built, four are in production and more than 10 are on order, with interest highest in Westminster, Kensington and Chelsea, Ealing, Dulwich and Highbury. So, if you too want one then the waiting list is already four months long and growing. The lift takes 10 weeks to construct and will cost you upwards of $61,181 depending on how you want it. This price would get you one with a flowerbed or water feature on top. And, if you want a car to be parked on top than it will be close to $72,816, i.e. 50,000 pounds.

. Look who's not all thumbs

thumbsaver2This gadget is so simple but makes so much sense and it seems to solve an age old problem that everyone has just become accustomed to. The Thumb Saver is a great invention which through a magnet holds any type of nail in place so you can hammer it in without any bruised, bloodied or broken fingers.

The Thumb Saver makes a job which is normally quite dangerous into a task made simple. The best part this is that it’s the perfect safety tool for anyone regardless of your age. This makes it much safer especially for school children during woodwork lessons and would be well worth schools investing in this great gadget

5. For geeks who don't get mocked enough

Segway GM PUMA

Buzzing around the floor of the 2009 New York auto show, is the PUMA--the result of a collaboration between Segway and GM. We had a chance to ride in the vehicle, an electric-powered two seater. PUMA stands for Personal Urban Mobility and Accessibility, and works on similar principles as the Segway Personal Transporter. Where on the Personal Transporter, you lean forward to make it go, the PUMA's steering column has to be pushed, which causes the entire cab to slide to the front and move weight forward, making the PUMA go.

PUMA steering wheel

Push the steering wheel forward, and the whole cabin shifts.

The driver of the PUMA cautioned us to keep our legs loose--as the cabin shifted--and then we were off. The vehicle picked up a good amount of speed until the driver pulled back on the wheel, shifting our weight again and slowing it down. It was hard to believe we were traveling on two wheels, as it felt very balanced. (There are auxiliary wheels, with two on the rear for safety and two in front to support the PUMA when it is stopped.)

Turning was very smooth: as the driver turned the little wheel, power diverted to the outside wheel, letting the PUMA turn almost on a dime. Coming to a stop felt like the end of a roller coaster ride, as the PUMA leaned forward sharply and the cabin shifted again. A Segway representative came over and lifted up a safety bar.

Toyota i-Real

The PUMA is supposed to go up to 35 mph, with a range of 35 miles. A Segway representative told us that, after a full day of demonstration rides, the battery was only half-drained. The PUMA weighs 400 pounds, but is a very early model, with a second generation due to come out in the fall. GM initially approached Segway about the collaboration 18 months ago, but the PUMA on display was developed and built at the Segway plant in only 90 days.

6. High Tech Napkins

The Napkin PC is designed for group collaborations. Each pen transmits your doodles to the base station which is a PC in disguise. That information gets processed and displayed on the napkin like e-ink paper. Cool idea but someone better make sure nobody decides to wipe their dirty lunch stains with one.

This is one of those concepts that makes so much sense and is so useful that no one will back it. So I will never get to use this gadget, sadly, but I will always think fondly of it.

Designer: Avery Holleman

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Tap, Tap, Tappin’ on Heaven’s Door

Yep I'm the guy who drums anywhere there is music. Mostly this consists of on my steering wheel to and from work. The other night I was listing to some kickin piano jazz and had a steller wheel drumming session....but if I had this little gadget...yeah see where I'm going with this?

“Jam” hails from a team at the Domus Academy where the brief was to design for basic intuitive behavior in the context of a rapidly changing, unstable beta culture. The central hub records and wirelessly links Jam together, while the touch sensitive finger-taps store and play sound clips. It goes further by allowing changes in pitch by vertically dragging it on a surface and regulating the volume with the force applied to each tap.

Designers: Jozeph Forakis, Jihee Chun, Sung Hyun Kyung & Kerri Moskow


This is really a general term to discribe the hacking of a specific style (more or less). But just about eveything the Datamancer puts out is amazing. Like a true mix of techno geek and art geek. If you can you should check out more of his work.

Steampunk PC
Pixello-Dynamotronic Computational Engine (Image courtesy of Datamancer)

According to the designer of this steampunk like custom-built PC, he would like to return a ‘novelty period’ for the PC like the television and radio that were “appropriately gifted with the most lavish of hand tooled, wooden scrolled cabinetry, and housings which borrowed architectural details from the grandest schools, churches and banks.”


9.Knife Block Shaped Like Human Head

I don't think I need to say much here. I just think it's kinda cheeky.
Put simply, this solid lime-wood knife block shaped like a human head would be a refreshing addition to any boring kitchen. This piece was hand carved by Irene van Gestel.

10. My soon to-be gaming keyboard. (I'm allowed to dream)

Logitech introduces G-series peripherals for gamers who need lots of buttons
Flush with the success of its G13 gameboard, Logitech is now creating a whole series of peripherals that will all work together to celebrate the seventh letter of the alphabet. The G-series line includes a new $199 G19 keyboard, offering a 320 x 240 color LCD mounted on top and 12 "G-keys" that can have up to three macros assigned to each. Next up is the $129 G35, a 7.1 surround-sound headset with integrated "voice-morphing" options for those who'd rather sound like a space squirrel than domestic gamer. Finally, there's a new flavor of the G9 mouse, dubbed the G9x, which loses the photo-overlay in favor of a maximum DPI of 5000 -- that's a whole 1800 more than before! Those extra dots will set you back $99 when the G9x releases in April, while the keyboard and headset should come about a month earlier..